Decided to do a tut for the CHOCO GALS!!!

Tutorial on the bottom page

There is one thing all choco *chocolate* girls have in common when selecting a style or just even leaving the house for an outing.

But before we get to that.
I am not a style. I just love to create.
You can call me anything
Yes I am udoli,
I have been gothic lolita
and still have the feel for it
and yes I can be gyaru

You can add all these styles on me makeup and hair
but clothing too bad haha.
I spend my money on my art supplies and cosplay.
Maybe one day but do not try the “your not the real” for any style.
Actually go ahead its a free country.

So chocos
I see you have a problem with basically every style that caters to either asian or caucasian
But you have to understand why. I mean you cant use the same color makeup right?
Obviously foundation. So why not do the same for other kinds of makeup tips

Like the imfamous white or pearl eyeliner on your water line , or your inner corners.
That is not for us. You go by your undertone my dearest. Mine is yellow. So I would use
gold , shear orange , or even peach. This is only part of what compliments your skin.

Also for the none bottom lash wearers
Like me I don`t like the fuss,
and I loose them every time
so I twiggy it up and draw them in.
This is a few hints.
Soon on my youtube ill have a video on it
not everything but for the basic help.
till then chocos.