Art 0.6 Allot of kakashi

Click pict for big

I finished both but lets go on the headphones.
I love them but I know I can do better. I know I can practice and get a great handle on this. Yes it my first try and im so excited to use this more for maybe commissions and even more.
I dont know what Im going to do , but even I will have to wait and see

I have the leg wrong
his left leg. I tried to figure it out before but now its basically to late. But not to worry. Ill get there ill get there. I love the damn face of the younger kashi. But its still not enough.
Ill get it somehow.
Anywho still waiting for my website code to transfer. Lets see how that turns out.

so for better picture go to my DA

Convention in the future

So we didnt get a table. That is cool it was the comic side we should of known the professionalism and took both sides somehow. But this year we was iffy on it cause this is the first time this con is doing two in one. So we just applied and just left it alone. So now that we dont have a table we are kind of relived cause its kind of a choice that was made for us. So cosplay to the extreme it is. And more videos. Which I cant wait for. And the wine in the park idea I cant wait. Around the park there is a market of self made wine with different flavors. We are thinking of having relaxation time. And its only 12 buck for the bigger bottles ><.

Like I was saying we can plan officially this time. Im so excited.

Art 0.4

I might have to take it out my sketch book and scan. I wanted to do maybe pen with it, but then the lining of my mechanical is awesome *in person. I took the picture in bad lighting and defiantly angle* Yeah one eye is bigger than the other for Le. I should make it more dramatic and I have to fix her face better. But I think thats all right?

Yeah so I wanted to do ball point pen , then use my pantones and color pencils…….I really want to do that……….but I dont want the original pencil gone. As you know I love line work more than anything, then color for more personality.

Anyway the theme here is to act outside your limit in front of people you are not familiar with.
As you can see Ziya May is doing the “ohh yeah” lickand Leluh is acting girly. They only do this in front of each other or to bother other people. Tohro is going to be on top with Vasilis.

Ill write about convention stuff later on. Id have to talk to my BF about E3 soon.

Art 0.1 and life

click picture bigger picture

By the way. That picture up there is not even close to done.
Im always niggling about my art. Whats wrong with this that and the other.
I adumbrate and adumbrate and its never good for me. Im art anorexic. Im sure there is a better word for it. But as a friend tells me , its better this way than the other. So I guess I can take that and cool it. But yeah ill still have that feeling. But on other note sugar high * im trying not to jinx it so lets leave it as, Sugar high XDDD. Extra smiley.

So whats going on this year. If in time fall is school if not winter or next year spring, also late summer is cruise and I may be in canada again if not he is coming here and then I have the convention. That is allot. And I havent even fit sugar high or art into that yet.

On other note im getting weaker and more ambition is slowly going cause my inspiration is on a roller coaster. Im on painting custom headphones now cause I have been inspired by music and DJ headphones. Last week was kakashi. I dont have a tincture on whats next….other than RDJ ❤