New Blog design, New age & New wig

I dont mind this, the milk face that is. I purposely over did my photoshop a little for this picture…..well mostly. If you can take a look at my header image, these are the times I over photoshop. I just feel I can get away with it once in awhile.
So my birthday have past (February 6), recorded a video about the wig and did a mini shoot for my new header on my birth day. I kept the makeup on, blew out my candles, took pictures, ate my cake, got my money and had a good small but enjoyable time with my loved ones (missing one though, my BF who will be here soon, other than that), a very very happy birthday for me.
No I do not feel old or feel that im getting old at the age 26. I just feel like me, Glee.
On to the wig here is the pictures of the packaging; there will be more details in the video.

 Works very well in flash, don’t you think?

 And here is my makeup, I know I can do better but I was trying something out: like a differnt shape or something similar. It didn’t go too well for me, I also have to learn how to wait for my lashes to dry before putting it on and it looks weird here. That is what I get for getting impatient. Other than that the colors used are blue and violet. Amethyst is my birthstone and blue is favorite color, also the eyebrows I could of done better- I will…..with time.

nose stripe; mild but I love it

Now onto the new blog design
Im not done with it and there is something missing or too much going on which is funny because the last one was way busier. But I feel like this is undone and I am not too happy with it. I felt its time for a change especially with the photo I had for the older blog. I also recycled my wallpaper, I love the thing. It is like my own wallpaper similar to ma*rs or the other famous prints. 
These pictures^ are the discarded ones and if you pay attention to my mini blog there is a sketch that looks exactly like this and I planned around it (like im leaning on the blog or something with my image.)

Here is the old one
p.s. This is my blonde or what I would label as natural blonde for my dark skin. But if any are darker than me, like my brother or my mom, it dosnt take too well. So caution if you are looking for this particular wig.