Warmth of the people, DA meet

Never that much I got random pictures out of cosplay. It was so inspiring. One photographer in central park liked my look. The pictures was awesome. I cant wait to get them. The camera was so beautiful. So did another photographer. I would tell you the name when but its in my wallet. I think his name is Alejandro/Alex. Also a beautiful camera and shoots im sure. Then this couple in the mid of 42 street in the gelato <– "I think its spelled" store . All 5 of them wanted to take pictures with me. Yes this is a boost in self esteem but also these people was so beautiful and so warm. It was more of an unknown friendship with the world. It was a like a in a second love for people. Id wish everything was as warm as this. Thank god im kind of used to cosplay. Or I would of been confused or actually I dont know how id I would feel.

On other note the DA meet was really fun. Spaz taped most of it. Im still not used to Vlogging soon I shall , but I took pictures. Everyone was so friendly and fun and we drew plenty things also I drew trinity on the sheet of canvas and joe colab on it so did someone else which we still dont know who haha.
We went to eat after at hard rock cafe spaz and I. Then went for gelato and finally came home to watch the star trek movie. Awesome movie I may tell you. We paused to see R2D2. WE SAW IT haha.

Art 0.6 Allot of kakashi

Click pict for big

I finished both but lets go on the headphones.
I love them but I know I can do better. I know I can practice and get a great handle on this. Yes it my first try and im so excited to use this more for maybe commissions and even more.
I dont know what Im going to do , but even I will have to wait and see

I have the leg wrong
his left leg. I tried to figure it out before but now its basically to late. But not to worry. Ill get there ill get there. I love the damn face of the younger kashi. But its still not enough.
Ill get it somehow.
Anywho still waiting for my website code to transfer. Lets see how that turns out.

so for better picture go to my DA

Yesterday Today is humid

I do not mind heat, but humid is the killer

Anywo , yesterday was the DA……..sorry Friday was the DA meet and we went. We only meet one of the persons to come. And she was nice we exchanged cards. Come to find out the guy was late , there was no sign and we left cause we waited for an hour. But he assured that next time would be better planned and better for everyone

Also in September for a week ill be on a cruise. Going to the Bermuda Island. So excited , hopefully tom tom can come with me. If not it will be full family time.

Art 0.5

Click for bigger
So how is it coming so far my thoughts.
Im still iffy on the cartoonish color if you know what I mean.
I know its a anime but I still want those realistic tone of color. Just a tad more
Im loving the younger kashis eyes. Even the scar.
I dont think I want to touch those unless necessary
Im learning more on metal textures woot!

What I Have To Still Work On?
of course the background and the rocks , but the older kakashi. Around the eyes and face are not going on for me. I still have to smooth out some skin and other textures , and the hair need to fix.

Convention in the future

So we didnt get a table. That is cool it was the comic side we should of known the professionalism and took both sides somehow. But this year we was iffy on it cause this is the first time this con is doing two in one. So we just applied and just left it alone. So now that we dont have a table we are kind of relived cause its kind of a choice that was made for us. So cosplay to the extreme it is. And more videos. Which I cant wait for. And the wine in the park idea I cant wait. Around the park there is a market of self made wine with different flavors. We are thinking of having relaxation time. And its only 12 buck for the bigger bottles ><.

Like I was saying we can plan officially this time. Im so excited.

E3. EA

E3 2010 WOOOO

power gig
rise of the six strings -ps3 , cross over September

I love Morgan webb and Adam Sessler

360 got metal gear

11:30 sony and nintendo

the Witcher 2 looks awesome

Gears of war looks sweet

To play the beast that your friends tries to kill or to be inside a monster with a chainsaw WOULD be awesome.

Connect looks like wii sports BIG TIME

halo reach actually looked fun. But i still wouldn’t play halo

OMG you get to be the police in
need for speed hot pursuit IS AWESOME
nov 16

jan 25 2011

EA sports live forecast is not for me but its cool anyway
EA active looks sweet

sims 3

Crysis 2 looks like cloverfield

I hate Live TV. It usually always have the ins and outs of sound

bullet storm….meh

star wars the old republic YAY!!! into look fabulous with its animation and special effects

But MMO?

This was writen while watching it. So the spaces are necessary for me

art 0.3

Awesome DA stamp you can find
My friend Spaz showed me this stamp

And this is the best you can explain it. I catch myself saying I dont care most times. But that is because I dont, haha. But when I do, my friends know. Cause most times im trying to understand why things happen. How things work. Or is it real? I can take the “you suck” or “you cant draw”.
But you know what I say? Please explain why I suck, or what I did wrong so I can understand and do better. Unless there is a reason for me putting a block on that head or a bottle inside ones eye. I like to explain also. Dont mean I do not take their as I call it “critique” even if its bashing. Cause you know what. When they cant explain why I suck. That is when I do not care for their comments, but care for me laughing at them. A clown puts in the best laughs

Art 0.2

I want to meet someone who draw exactly like me. Same coloring or same style. I want to know where they live, what they watch what makes them happy. I want to know whats similar other than style between us. Cause I want to know why I draw like this. I want to know if they like their style cause I really dont adore mine.

Haha I sound emoish no. But not to worry its a normal thing, I dont hate it, I just dont understand it. Its a bit lost….LOST…damn show.. Maybe cause there is so much things I can stick to but I can not choose cause I hate to, so im a multiple artist personality in a way……what is it call bi polor? Maybe I should stay with my likes.

Likes = The way how I marry , paying attention to lighting, and I love hair, also improvement on noses


I love makeup and dressing up. What person dont. Guys like to play games acting out killing monsters and becoming the ultimate person of awesomeness. Girls are also getting into that as well. But still on the I want to be saved manner.

Well as I write more I draw more , I develop my characters more. But when am I going to broadcast my characters, make a web comic or an art book of them. When I feel that im maybe close to ready. When im more mature not in my actions but ripe in my art when its good to eat up. I dont want it to be pre mature but I dont want it to spoil eitheir. I do have a life ahead of me hopefully. And I dont want to be that typical person with the same old art genre which will be hard to do. Being original is not original itself. Like Udoli. Its not original but more of forgotten or not acknowledged. Ill work with that. What in the comic or to some of you manga or even game is forgotton or not seen anymore. That is the way ill go or at least get close to as I can.

And what is original? I say it is not following a trend. Cause no one can be original. Just have to reinvent. But as I was saying its not following a trend. The same old same old, a more of a fan inspiration of a book or illustration. I dont want my work to be a big old fan comic/art of a favorite book or favorite books. Yes I can be inspired and it can lead me to a different pattern.
I can use a base and turn it into a roof.

Yeah just typing away what I feel.

Art 0.1 and life

click picture bigger picture

By the way. That picture up there is not even close to done.
Im always niggling about my art. Whats wrong with this that and the other.
I adumbrate and adumbrate and its never good for me. Im art anorexic. Im sure there is a better word for it. But as a friend tells me , its better this way than the other. So I guess I can take that and cool it. But yeah ill still have that feeling. But on other note sugar high * im trying not to jinx it so lets leave it as, Sugar high XDDD. Extra smiley.

So whats going on this year. If in time fall is school if not winter or next year spring, also late summer is cruise and I may be in canada again if not he is coming here and then I have the convention. That is allot. And I havent even fit sugar high or art into that yet.

On other note im getting weaker and more ambition is slowly going cause my inspiration is on a roller coaster. Im on painting custom headphones now cause I have been inspired by music and DJ headphones. Last week was kakashi. I dont have a tincture on whats next….other than RDJ ❤